Ministries and Organizations



In the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) local congregations govern themselves through an elected board called the Session. A Teaching Elder moderates the Session, which is headed by the Clerk of Session, neither of whom are regular voting members of the session.

The Session is charged with governing the life and ministry of Trinity Presbyterian Church. On the second Thursday of each month, Elders gather for the regular “stated meetings” to discern God’s will in business matters, community concerns, ministry planning, and receiving new members.  There are also “called meetings” of the session, which deal with time-sensitive matters.  Usually, in the spring and fall of each year, session retreats are held to focus on leader development, spiritual renewal, and planning. 

Session members serve for three years.  Each year, one-third of the Session members retire from Session and are replaced by members elected from the congregation or agree to an additional three-year term.  This provides stability and continuity in governing the congregation. 

The Session is organized into committees and small group ministries.  Committees, in conjunction with the professional staff, do much of the work of directing the mission and ministry of the church.  These standing committees report to and are directed by, Session.  Elders and members of the congregation staff committees of Session.  

Click the button below to learn more about our leadership, committees, and some of the ways in which they contribute to the life of our church.